Sunday, June 2, 2013

Let the Fingers Flow Freewrite

                My fingers are stuck to the keyboard, motionless. I don’t know how I feel, so that would mean that I could not even begin to express how I feel. With an emotionless, apathetic state of mind I think to myself. No one knows the true me. No one knows what goes through my head. No one knows who I am. They all know who I want them to know. I’m vindictive. I’m a liar. But who am I really lying to? Am I lying to myself in saying that I know who I am? Or am I lying to them in saying that the person that they see is the person that I truly am? Fuck this. This is what hurts my head. I am who I am, whoever that may be. I don’t need to question anything I do, or anything I say. I am who I am. Most of the time I have in thought, I spend it thinking about the purpose of my existence. Who wouldn’t want to know the true meaning of their life? However, I do think that I think about it too much. I just need to calm down and let it flow.
                I have a love hate relationship with the memories tied with certain songs. I can be having a nice time relaxing with Perth by Bon Iver and then some random shit comes on from three years ago and takes me back to when I traumatically moved away to Iowa and then I involuntarily go into a depression because I feel like I’m in that time period. But then again, sometimes it’s nice to be able to reflect on how I was feeling at that stage of my life. The raw, deep emotions I automatically feel with the downbeat of that first note remind me that I wasn’t weak for feeling the way I felt.
                Everyone is freaking out about leaving high school and going to college, leaving all of their friends. If everyone just pushed aside the sadness, then it wouldn’t be sad! I’m excited, I’m ready to leave. I have so much to do with my life. I want to travel. I want to write forever. I want share this joy with others. But then people have to make it sad, everything has to be sad.
I feel like that’s the same thing with funerals. When someone dies, why do we make this big ceremony and set aside weeks for mourning? Why can’t we still pretend like they went on a trip and they’ll be back later? Eventually you’ll get used to them being gone and you’d be okay. But, when everyone makes it a big deal, and everyone wants to mourn, that’s when people go under. As I sit here, typing this I’m realizing what a heartless bitch I sound like. What is so wrong with me that I would be okay with pretending that my grandmother, or friend, or whomever it may be, has just gone away for a bit, instead of honoring their life.
But my thought process is, eventually you’ll forget, I know I will. I am capable of pushing pain aside and pretending like it never happened, what used to be a distant memory seems like only a vaguely familiar dream. With little thought comes little emotion. And then again, I’m the girl who could stare at the final statements given by the people on death row just before their execution and cry my eyes out because I’m so devastated that they died. Everyone cries for the jack ass that pissed off the wrong guy, but no one cries for the guy that was in the wrong place at the wrong time in a confused time in a young life.
                I say I want happiness instead of mournfulness, and yet all I write about is morbid, depressing things. But I don’t write them in a way because I’m sad about them, I write about them because they are powerful emotions to work with. It makes the piece I’m working with more life-like because, well, life is full of all of that sullen shit. I’d rather be dark and surprised by days of happiness and joy, than happy and constantly disappointed with the darkness of the world. However, I can be content and serene with the realization of the way the world is. I can make it okay and I can overcome it. I just also know how to embrace the feelings that everyone hates to have. I like writing about them because they relate to more people, whether they like it or not, than happy stories. Happy stories set people up for dissatisfaction because reality will never be romance novel.
Honestly, I have no clue what I’m saying right now. The words you are reading are raw and real, with absolutely no thoughts behind them. I’m just writing to clear my head. I don’t know how to feel anymore. I feel torn. I feel frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed, sad (I think), excited, anxious, nervous. What awaits me after this? Am I ready for it? Will I achieve what I dream to? Will I make something of myself? Or will I end up like everyone else in this damn place. Unhappily married, buckled down with children, and a job they can barely wake up for. I can’t let the one life I have go to waste. I won’t get trapped like the ones before me. I will live my dream. I am a realist. I do know it will be hard, but I also know that I can’t just give up. I won’t give up. I will find out who I am. I will know how to feel. And if I don’t I’ll go with the flow. I can make this life worth living. Am I capable of loving? Am I capable of feeling things I should feel at appropriate times? Will I forever be fucked in the head? I will grow to accept this. I am okay. I like who I am. And I like a challenge. So let me figure myself out as my new task in life. I am my own life puzzle.

I am content with myself. I love who I am. I love writing. I love passion. I love adventure. Does that mean I love life? Or does that mean that I love what I can make of life?

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